Euclid CMBXC WG Meeting



Carlo Baccigalupi (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Nabila Aghanim (IAS, Paris, France)

Introduction and Purpose 

The meeting has the purpose of reviewing all activities and progresses on WPs and KPs. The sessions, including reports and open discussions, are focused on Simulations (First Day, afternoon), Estimators & Likelihoods (Second Day, morning), Extended Forecasts (Second Day, afternoon). In the final discussion, we'll review plans till the next Euclid Consortium and CMBXC Meeting. 

We look forward to this as the last meeting in remote, and the next one in person! Let's get out the most of it! 


Notes available at this link

Connection Details 

Zoom link available here. Meeting ID: 705 044 4609, Password: 20022003
Phone numbers here if needed. 

  • Alessandro Gruppuso
  • Alessandro Renzi
  • Andras Kovacs
  • Angelo Ferrari
  • Bianca De Caro
  • C. Sofia Carvalho
  • Carlo Baccigalupi
  • Carlos Hernández-Monteagudo
  • Carmelita Carbone
  • Daniela Paoletti
  • Domenico Marinucci
  • Elisabetta Carella
  • Fabio Finelli
  • Giampaolo Benevento
  • Gianluca Polenta
  • Giulio Fabbian
  • Jose Bermejo-Climent
  • Julien Grain
  • Ken Ganga
  • Laura Patrizii
  • Laura Salvati
  • Louis Legrand
  • Luca Pagano
  • Luca Stanco
  • Lukas Wenzl
  • Marco Baldi
  • Maria Archidiacono
  • Marina Migliaccio
  • Mario Ballardini
  • Martina Gerbino
  • Massimiliano Lattanzi
  • Matteo Calabrese
  • Matteo Martinelli
  • Matteo Tenti
  • Nabila Aghanim
  • Nicola Bartolo
  • Paolo Natoli
  • Rachel Bean
  • Raphaël Kou
  • Shahbaz Alvi
  • Stephane Ilic
  • Stephanie Escoffier