Jul 4 – 7, 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

On the 6d origin of non-invertible symmetries in 4d

Jul 4, 2022, 4:00 PM
Giambiagi lecture hall (ICTP)

Giambiagi lecture hall


Adriatico guesthouse, lower level 1 Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta, 34151, Grignano TS, Italy


Michele Del Zotto (Uppsala University)


Sometimes it is useful to think of symmetries of quantum fields in terms of quasi-topological defects. One of the advantages of such reformulation is the remark that there are more general notions of symmetries. Recently, several examples of models in 4d with non-invertibile duality and triality symmetry defects have been constructed. In this seminar I will discuss how to exploit 6d SCFTs to reproduce some of these known examples, as well as to generate infinitely many new examples of models with non-invertibile “M-ality”symmetry defects.

Primary author

Michele Del Zotto (Uppsala University)

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