Jul 14 – 16, 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

Science and the industrial revolution

Jul 15, 2025, 9:35 AM
Main Hall (SISSA)

Main Hall


Via Beirut, 2–4. I–34151, Grignano, Trieste (TS)


Wolfgang Lefèvre (Emeritus Scholar, Max Planck Istitute for The History of Science)


The topic “Science and the Industrial Revolution” has been much discussed. I would just like to address a few aspects of the topic that are of particular interest to the history of science and that, I believe, have not yet been sufficiently discussed. At the center of my short and often very pointed remarks is the question: How did some sciences – here Mechanics and Chemistry – develop in the early modern period of the West in such a way that they became what they are today, namely an indispensable factor of material production and thus of modern civilization.

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