Jul 23 – 27, 2018
SISSA Main Building
Europe/Rome timezone

Welcome remarks. Past and future of deal.II

Jul 23, 2018, 9:00 AM
Meeting Room -- VII Floor (SISSA Main Building)

Meeting Room -- VII Floor

SISSA Main Building

Via Bonomea 265 34136 -- Trieste -- Italy
Invited talks Developers' track Keynotes


Prof. Wolfgang Bangerth (Colorado State University)


deal.II is now 20 years old. I'll give a brief overview of how it started, how it has developed, and where I see it going in the future. This includes both the technical side and, in particular, the social side: deal.II is not just a software project, but also a community of developers and users.

Primary author

Prof. Wolfgang Bangerth (Colorado State University)

Presentation materials