Talks by long time developers and advanced users of the deal.II library
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Wolfgang Bangerth
(Colorado State University)
7/23/18, 9:00 AM
Developers' track
Invited talks
deal.II is now 20 years old. I'll give a brief overview of how it started, how it has developed, and where I see it going in the future. This includes both the technical side and, in particular, the social side: deal.II is not just a software project, but also a community of developers and users.
Timo Heister
(Clemson University)
7/23/18, 9:45 AM
Developers' track
Keynote presentations
Multigrid methods are the only known approach to efficiently solve large
linear systems for solving PDEs by having runtime cost proportional to the
number of unknowns. Algebraic multigrid methods construct a hierarchy of
problems from the system matrix, while geometric multigrid methods use the
mesh hierarchy and system matrices from each level of this hierarchy.
While algebraic...
Jean-Paul Pelteret
(Chair of Applied Mechanics, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
7/24/18, 9:00 AM
Developers' track
Keynote presentations
In recent years there has been a notable growth in research among fields involving coupled media, and in multi-physics problems in general. As the complexity of the physics describing the material loading and response increases, so does the time cost and sophistication of the computational tools used to analyse these problems both in the academic and industrial settings. Associated with this...
Daniel Arndt
(University Heidelberg)
7/24/18, 9:45 AM
Developers' track
Keynote presentations
There are several different ways of describing bilinear forms in `deal.II`. All of these require to describe the assembly loop inside the program. This talk discusses an approach for providing the assembly operator from the outside using a domain-specific language.
In particular, this easily allows changing the backend used in the end. `CFL` also provides the possibility to generate the...
Bruno Turcksin
7/25/18, 9:00 AM
Developers' track
Keynote presentations
GPUs are extensively used in supercomputers both in Europe with Piz Daint and in the United States with Titan, Sierra, and Summit. The main reason is that they offer great floating points performance for a given power envelope. GPUs are also the de facto standard architectue for neural networks whose usage has been increasing quite rapidly in the last few years. It is therefore very...
Nicola Giuliani
7/25/18, 9:45 AM
Users' track
Invited talks
Many modern 3D modelling tools offer the possibility of creating complex geometries in a very straightforward way (what is usually called creative freedom). Such softwares are extensively used in computer graphics (video-gaming, animation studios) and they are able to produce smooth surfaces exploiting the subdivision surface modelling which was derived by Edwin Catmull and Jim Clark in 1978...
Denis Davydov
(Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
7/26/18, 9:00 AM
Developers' track
Keynote presentations
Traditional solution approaches for problems in quantum mechanics scale as , where is the number of electrons. Various methods have been proposed to address this issue and obtain linear scaling . One promising formulation is the direct minimization of energy. Such methods take advantage of physical localization of the solution, namely that the solution can...
Wenyu Lei
(Texas A&M University)
7/26/18, 9:45 AM
Users' track
Invited talks
In this talk, we propose a new nonconforming finite element algorithm to approximate a linear problem involving the integral fractional Laplacian. The method is based on the Dunford-Taylor integral representation of the bilinear form corresponding to the variational formulation. We obtain the approximated solution using the deal.II finite element library with a non-uniform mesh setting....
Luca Heltai
7/27/18, 9:00 AM
Developers' track
Keynote presentations
Version 9.0.0 of the `deal.II` library offers many new features and interfaces with several new external libraries.
In this talk I will provide an overview of some of the new features that I have contributed in adding to the library, including (in no particular order)
- Improved support for curved geometries
- Non-standard quadrature rules
- Improved support for user-defined...