Jun 22 – 24, 2017
SISSA Main Campus
Europe/Rome timezone

Do morphological features of different deverbal nominals affect their reading?

Jun 22, 2017, 3:20 PM
2h 10m
Lecture Hall Paolo Budinich (SISSA Main Campus)

Lecture Hall Paolo Budinich

SISSA Main Campus

via Bonomea 265, 34136, Trieste
Poster Freely Contributed Paper Poster 1


Isidora Gatarić (Social Sciences and Computing, University of Belgrade, Serbia)


According to theoretical studies deverbal nominals in Serbian can be divided into process and result nominals. Furthermore, there are three subtypes of process and result nominals, which differ in certain morphological characteristics: (i) process and result nominals that differ in the presence of the –va infix (e.g. rešenje/rešavanje) (ii) result nominals have the zero-suffix and process have the additional deverbal suffix (e.g. let/letenje) (iii) deverbal nominals have different deverbal suffixes (e.g. rotacija/rotiranje). To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first one interested in the examination of the processing of deverbal nominals in the sentence context, with the focus on the investigation of reading time of deverbal nominals that differ in certain morphological features. Three self-paced reading tasks were conducted. The stimuli in the first experiment were pairs of the sentences with process and result nominals that differ in the presence of the infix. In the second experiment, the stimuli were pairs of the sentences with deverbal nominals where result nominals ended in the zero-suffix and process ended in the additional deverbal suffix. Pairs of the sentences used as the stimuli in the third experiment included two types of nominals with different deverbal suffixes. Three refitted LMER models (each for each experiment) revealed that there are no differences in the processing of different types of process and result deverbal nominals (Experiment 1(β=.06; SEβ=.03, t=1.90; Pr(>|t|)>.05);Experiment 2(β=.03; SEβ=.03, t=.98; Pr(>|t|)>.05);Experiment 3(β=-.02; SEβ=.01, t=1.33; Pr(>|t|)>.05)). The obtained results go in line with the amorphous perspective on lexical processing, which suggests that during the processing of morphologically complex words there is no obligatory segmentation into single morphemes.

Primary author

Isidora Gatarić (Social Sciences and Computing, University of Belgrade, Serbia)


Sanja Radman (Department of English Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia)

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