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Tali Bitan
(Department of Psychology, IIPDM, University of Haifa; Department of Speech Pathology, University of Toronto)
6/23/17, 10:50 AM
Freely Contributed Paper
We examined the neurocognitive basis of distributional factors underlying learning and generalization of affixal inflectional morphology in a novel language. Our behavioral study examined effects of three factors in adults acquiring plural suffixation in an artificial language, over six sessions: affix type frequency (number of words receiving an affix), phonological predictability (degree...
Cristina Burani
(Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, ISTC-CNR, Rome; Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste)
6/23/17, 11:10 AM
Freely Contributed Paper
Italian children with dyslexia are extremely slow at reading long words. However, they read faster stimuli composed of roots and derivational suffixes (e.g., CASSIERE, ‘cashier’) than stimuli not decomposable in morphemes (e.g., CAMMELLO, ‘camel’). The present study assessed whether root length modulates morphological processing. For skilled readers, reliance on the root might depend on its...
Helen Breadmore
(Coventry University)
6/23/17, 11:30 AM
Freely Contributed Paper
Morphological awareness is demonstrated to be a key contributor to literacy development. Nonetheless, little is known about how children actually use morphological information as they read and write. To address this, we examine children’s use of root morphemes in spelling. We use newly developed online measurement to study the processes involved in generating correct spellings in addition to...
Sascha Schroeder
(Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
6/23/17, 11:50 AM
Freely Contributed Paper
Masked priming studies comparing morpho-orthographic and morpho-semantic processing in children have seen an increase in recent years. However, the exact developmental trajectory of morphological priming effects remains unclear. It has been suggested that, for adults, the effects are modulated by reading, spelling, and vocabulary skills. This is of special relevance when studying children for...
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Helen Breadmore
Development of morphological processing in spelling
Lecture Hall Paolo Budinich, SISSA Main Campus
11:30 - 11:50
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