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Victor Kuperman
(McMaster University)
6/23/17, 3:10 PM
Symposium 2 - The time course of morphological processing as revealed by analyses of distributions and of means
A critical point for many conflicting accounts of morphological processing is the relative time-course of formal (orthographic, phonological and morphological) and semantic effects during visual recognition of complex words. This talk address this question with the help of a nonparametric technique of survival analysis (Reingold & Sheridan, 2014, 2016), designed to estimate the temporal onset...
R. Harald Baayen
(U Tubingen)
6/23/17, 3:30 PM
Symposium 2 - The time course of morphological processing as revealed by analyses of distributions and of means
We present two statistical methods that make it possible to assess whether the effect of predictors
on a response variable vary within the distribution of the response. Dynamic survival analysis is
applicable to durational responses such as reaction times, fixation durations, and acoustic durations.
Quantile regression can be applied to any kind of measurement, not only durations but also...
Laurie Feldman
(SUNY, Albany & Haskins Labs)
6/23/17, 3:50 PM
Symposium 2 - The time course of morphological processing as revealed by analyses of distributions and of means
Accounts of morphological processing differ with respect to whether morphological effects fall out of learning-based principles (e.g., convergence, discrimination) or whether morphological structure is explicitly represented in our lexical knowledge. We examine how the contribution of meaning (and form) similarity differs across time with quantile regression and dynamic survival analysis. Data...
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R. Harald Baayen
Novel insights in morphological processing from Dynamic Survival Analysis and Quantile Regression
Lecture Hall Paolo Budinich, SISSA Main Campus
15:30 - 15:50
Laurie Feldman
The time course of BOAT-FLOAT facilitation and its implication for morphological processing
Lecture Hall Paolo Budinich, SISSA Main Campus
15:50 - 16:10
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