Jun 22 – 24, 2017
SISSA Main Campus
Europe/Rome timezone
The theme 'indico-weeks-view' does not exist.

The International Morphological Processing Conference (MoProc) is a biennial meeting that brings together scholars interested in all aspects of morphological processing from all over the world to exchange new research ideas and results, tackle open issues, propose new perspectives, enjoy networking opportunities, and work together to bring forward the field. Oh, and have fun too, of course!

In its 10th anniversary, the International Morphological Processing Conference is held at SISSA, in the fascinating context of Trieste, an Italian town of great historic interest and cultural heritage.

This year’s edition will celebrate 20 years of MoProc, proposing an array of symposia bringing together different approaches such as neuroscience, theoretical linguistics, cognitive neuropsychology and computational modelling, focusing on different aspects of morphological processing. The organizers of these symposia are bright stars in the morphological sky, such as Laurie FeldmanJon Andoni Duñabeitia, Adam Albright, Petar Milin, and Jim Blevins.

Finally, for the special occasion, Ram Frost and Jonathan Grainger, founders of the International Morphological Processing Conference, will engage in a debate on the past, present and future of the field, chaired by Kathy Rastle (this event is kindly sponsored by SR Research). We are looking forward to welcoming you in Trieste for the 10th Morphological Processing Conference on June 22th -24th 2017!

Davide Crepaldi, Marco Marelli, Simona Amenta and the MoProc2017 team

SISSA Main Campus
Lecture Hall Paolo Budinich
via Bonomea 265, 34136, Trieste