Dario Bambusi
(Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli studi di Milano)
Joint work with A. Fusé, A. Maspero, S. Sansottera
Consider the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
it is well known that, when , under suitable conditions on
, the NLS admitts traveling wave solutions (soliton for
short). When , heuristic considerations suggest that
the soliton should move as a particle subject to a mechanical force
due to an effective potential computed from . The problem is to
understand if this is true or not.
In this talk I will show that the soliton does not exchange neither
energy nor angular momentum with the rest of the field for times of
the order for any . This allows to deduce some
informations on the trajectory of the soliton.
The proof is composed by two steps: first one shows that the
Hamiltonian of the NLS can be rewritten in suitable coordinates as
where is the hamiltonian of a mechanical particle in
a central potential and describes the motion of the soliton's
barycenter, while is a function representing the "free''
The second step consistes in applying a Nekhoroshev type theorem; in
turn this requires to verify a nondegeneracy hypothesis on
(quasiconvexity). This is obtained by applying a
result that we recently got ensuring that such an assumption is always
satisfied in the central motion problem except for Harmonic end
Keplerian potentials.
In the talk I will also try to give the ideas of the proof of this
second result.
Primary author
Dario Bambusi
(Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli studi di Milano)