Jun 7 – 9, 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

Dynamics of a soliton in an external potential

Jun 8, 2017, 9:30 AM
005 (SISSA)



via Bonomea 265, 34100, Trieste, Italy


Prof. Dario Bambusi (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli studi di Milano)


Joint work with A. Fusé, A. Maspero, S. Sansottera Consider the nonlinear Schrödinger equation iψt=Δψβ(|ψ|2)ψ+ϵVψ ,βCω ,VSCω ; it is well known that, when ϵ=0, under suitable conditions on β, the NLS admitts traveling wave solutions (soliton for short). When ϵ0, heuristic considerations suggest that the soliton should move as a particle subject to a mechanical force due to an effective potential computed from V. The problem is to understand if this is true or not. In this talk I will show that the soliton does not exchange neither energy nor angular momentum with the rest of the field for times of the order ϵr for any r. This allows to deduce some informations on the trajectory of the soliton. The proof is composed by two steps: first one shows that the Hamiltonian of the NLS can be rewritten in suitable coordinates as follows H=ϵ1/2Hmech(p,q)+12EL0ϕ,ϕ+h.o.t. where Hmech(p,q) is the hamiltonian of a mechanical particle in a central potential and describes the motion of the soliton's barycenter, while ϕ is a function representing the "free'' field. The second step consistes in applying a Nekhoroshev type theorem; in turn this requires to verify a nondegeneracy hypothesis on Hmech(p,q) (quasiconvexity). This is obtained by applying a result that we recently got ensuring that such an assumption is always satisfied in the central motion problem except for Harmonic end Keplerian potentials. In the talk I will also try to give the ideas of the proof of this second result.

Primary author

Prof. Dario Bambusi (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli studi di Milano)

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