Jul 23 – 27, 2018
SISSA Main Building
Europe/Rome timezone

Accelerating augmented and deflated Krylov space methods for convection-diffusion problems

Jul 23, 2018, 11:00 AM
Meeting Room -- VII Floor (SISSA Main Building)

Meeting Room -- VII Floor

SISSA Main Building

Via Bonomea 265 34136 -- Trieste -- Italy
Contributed talks Users' track Contributed talks


Giuseppe Pitton (SISSA)


In this talk I will recall some basic notions of augmented and deflated Krylov space methods for the iterative solution of linear systems. Then I will discuss a few strategies to apply these techniques to the solution of linear systems coming from nonlinear scalar convection-diffusion equations. A simple back-of-the-envelope analysis allows to argue that in some cases it may be convenient to exploit alternative recycling strategies based on the SVD selection of previous solutions, and this conclusion is corroborated by numerical tests based on Finite Element and Spectral Element discretisations.

Primary author


Prof. Luca Heltai (SISSA)

Presentation materials