Jun 5 – 9, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

G. Lara: Matter coupling in k-essence and dynamics in UV completions (WP2)

Jun 5, 2023, 4:30 PM
128 (SISSA)



Via Bonomea, 265, 34136 Trieste TS


In this talk, I will present a study of the qualitative features of stationary solutions with kinetic screening for different couplings to matter. As for the dynamics, I will illustrate with an explicit example how different ``completions'' of k-essence can allow for stable time evolutions with numerical relativity. The latter, despite the original theory appearing to be ill (which is a commonplace situation in many alternatives to GR). Finally, I close with comments on some challenges that remain for other types of completions and mention some new directions of research for other alternative theories of gravity.

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