Junior Math Days is an event where Master’s students can learn about the mathematical research environment and the life of PhD students at SISSA.
The 2023 edition will take place on 4-5-6 December 2023.
Selected participants can spend three days in the stimulating environment of SISSA and take part in several planned activities. The program includes:
- introductory talks given by professors and post-docs about their research topics: from Mathematical Analysis to Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics.
- informal meetings with SISSA students to learn about their work and personal experience at SISSA.
Other activities to experience life in Trieste include:
- a welcome dinner on 3rd December
- a visit to the city on 5th December
The schedule of the event is available in the Timetable section. The list of speakers and titles of their talks will be updated soon.
Please read the How to apply section before registering to the event.
For further information, feel free to send us an email at jmd.sissa (‘at’) gmail.com.
This event is sponsored by SISSA Mathematics Area and Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG).