For your stay in Trieste, consider Residence Le Terrazze (website, map), L'Albero Nascosto (website, map), Residence del Mare (website, map).
Local public transport in Trieste is run by Trieste Transporti S.p.A. Information about routes, stops, and schedules can be found on the Tplfvg website or app (Android, iOS).
Bus tickets can be bought (1) on the Tplfvg app, (2) from tabacchi shops or newspaper vendors, (3) from vending machines, (4) on the bus with a contactless credit/debit card.
Please remember to 'validate' your tickets on the bus at the start of your journey. Carrying an unvalidated ticket counts as travelling without a ticket. Tickets have to be validated only once; tickets bought on the bus with a contactless credit/debit card do not have to be validated.
The above information concerns standard single-use bus tickets, which expire one hour after validation on weekdays, and four hours after validation on Sundays and public holidays. For information on other types of tickets, please visit the TPL-FVG website.
Reaching SISSA
SISSA is located at Via Bonomea 265 in Opicina (map). The SISSA campus is connected to downtown Trieste by bus line 38 which runs between Piazza Oberdan (map) and SISSA. On weekdays, buses depart every 20 minutes from Piazza Oberdan (8:00, 8:20, 8:40,...) to SISSA, and from SISSA (17:10, 17:30, 17:50,...) to Piazza Oberdan. The journey takes around 15 minutes.