Sep 22 – 25, 2024
Noto (SR)
Europe/Rome timezone

Contextualizing action prediction in the social cerebellum

Sep 25, 2024, 3:10 PM
Aula Magna Giavanti

Aula Magna Giavanti


Cosimo Urgesi (Università di Udine & IRCCS E. Medea)


Social interactions require predicting and anticipating others’ actions from observation of their movements. Several studies have shown that observer’s motor system is activated by observing others’ actions (motor resonance) and is sensitive to subtle kinematic cues that may allow understanding of the overarching intention. However, the context in which actions are embedded may support social prediction during observation of incomplete and ambiguous actions. The cerebellum is involved in generating and updating the internal models subserving the prediction of sensory events and may play a major role in context-based action prediction. I will present a series of studies in which the role of cerebro-cerebellar networks has been explored in contextualized action prediction and motor resonance. First, I will present the results of behavioral and single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation studies showing that contextual information may shape motor resonance and is continuously integrated with kinematics to predict the overarching action intention. Then, I will present the results of neuropsychological and neurostimulation studies showing a specific role of the cerebellum in supporting contextualized action predictions. Finally, the translational implications of the involvement of cerebellar processing in social perception will be exploited by testing the effects of either congenital (e.g., pediatric non progressive ataxia) or acquired (e.g., infratentorial brain tumors) cerebellar alterations on action prediction. The results pave the way for an integrated neuromodulation/neurocognitive training of social perception abilities based on the specific computations exerted by the cerebellum.

If you're submitting a symposium talk, what's the symposium title? Il ruolo e la natura della attivazione sensomotoria coinvolta nella percezione e nel ricordo di azioni
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Primary author

Cosimo Urgesi (Università di Udine & IRCCS E. Medea)

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