Sep 22 – 25, 2024
Noto (SR)
Europe/Rome timezone

Movement-dependent modulation of audiotactile integration early in life: distinct patterns of multisensory integration following self- and externally-directed movements in adults and newborns

Sep 23, 2024, 6:30 PM
Aula Magna Giavanti

Aula Magna Giavanti


Alice Rossi Sebastiano (MANIBUS Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy)


Compelling evidence shows that audio-tactile multisensory integration (AT-MSI) is modulated by body proximity already at birth. In our view, early movement may represent the developmental context allowing to encode multisensory stimuli in a body-centered reference frame, by anchoring auditory and tactile inputs to the body through proprioception. Based on these premises, we addressed whether AT-MSI is modulated by movement’s directionality, i.e., whether distinct patterns of AT-MSI can be measured following hand-movements directed either to the self-body or to the external environment. First, we devised an EEG audio-tactile paradigm to capture this effect in adults and, then, we tested it in newborns. In our paradigm, tactile stimuli are delivered on the hand, either alone or concomitant with a sound and, by leveraging a postural manipulation, the hand is dragged either towards or away from the body. In a series of experiments, we demonstrate that, in adults, greater AT-MSI responses are observed following self- as compared to externally-directed movements. Crucially, preliminary results in newborns suggest the presence of this adult-like pattern already at birth. In sum, we provide original evidence on movement-dependent modulations of AT-MSI, in line with pioneering prenatal studies, highlighting differential kinematics during self- and externally-directed movements. In our interpretation, when movements aim toward the self, proprioceptive input anchors audio-tactile stimuli to the body, resulting in boosted AT-MSI responses. Our data indicate the presence of such a mechanism already at birth, which may ensure the evolutionary advantage of allowing better processing of environmental events approaching the body.

If you're submitting a symposium talk, what's the symposium title? The ontogenetic necessity to extract information from the auditory environment
If you're submitting a symposium, or a talk that is part of a symposium, is this a junior symposium? Yes

Primary author

Alice Rossi Sebastiano (MANIBUS Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy)


Barbara Italia (MANIBUS Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy) Nicolo Castellani (IMT Lucca) Giulia Serra (Medical Science Department, University of Turin, Italy) Karol Poles (MANIBUS Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy) Dr Alessandra Coscia (Neonatal Unit of the University, City of Health and Science of Turin, Italy) Dr Chiara Peila (Neonatal Unit of the University, City of Health and Science of Turin, Italy) Prof. Francesca Garbarini (MANIBUS Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy)

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