Sep 22 – 25, 2024
Noto (SR)
Europe/Rome timezone

An empirical investigation of the clinical validity and utility of fully idiographic network analysis in clinical practice

Sep 24, 2024, 3:47 PM
Aula Magna Giavanti

Aula Magna Giavanti

Talk in simposio Symposia


Giovanbattista Andreoli (University of Bologna)


Fully idiographic network analysis (FINA) is a network analysis approach that allows the examination of within-person processes by assessing dynamic relationships between symptoms and symptom progression within individuals over time. FINA has shown promising results as an analytical tool to better describe psychopathology in an idiographic way across a wide array of disorders. Nevertheless, more evidence is needed to support its clinical validity (i.e., how well it aligns with clinicians’ judgments) and utility (i.e., its applicability across different populations and contexts, acceptability, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness). To fill this gap, we recruited dyads of clinicians and patients. We tested FINA’s clinical validity by comparing the clinician’s anticipated psychological network for their patient with the empirical network generated from the patient’s data using FINA in their ability to predict the patient’s subsequent functioning. Data from the patient were collected via two waves of Ecological Momentary Assessment. To test clinical utility, we employed ad-hoc questionnaires assessing clinicians’ and patients’ perceptions of FINA’s applicability, acceptability, ease of use, and cost. We will present preliminary findings, and discuss the strengths and limitations of FINA in clinical practice.

If you're submitting a symposium talk, what's the symposium title? Applications of Psychometric Network Analysis in Psychology
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Primary author

Giovanbattista Andreoli (University of Bologna)


Prof. Chiara Rafanelli (University of Bologna) Prof. Giulia Casu (University of Bologna) Prof. Giulio Costantini (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) Prof. Stefan Hofmann (Philipps-Universität Marburg)

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