Mini-talks: MEMORY
- MODERATORE: Massimo Grassi
Musicians are often regarded as models of brain plasticity and associated cognitive benefits. This emerges when expert musicians are compared with nonmusicians. A frequently observed finding is a short-term memory advantage of the former over the latter. Although meta-analyses report that the effect size of this advantage is medium, no study was adequately powered to estimate reliably an...
Some populations, such as older people, struggle with the cognitive load involved in daily activities. This is related to the limits of human working memory when mental resources are simultaneously stressed by a task. In this scenario, artificial agents have been increasingly integrated in several environments by designing supportive human-robot interactions (HRI), but most of literature...
Virtual reality, in both 2D and 3D formats, has become increasingly prevalent in psychological research, providing immersive environments to explore human behavior, emotion, and cognition. While studies often highlight the restorative benefits of virtual nature environments over urban ones, the effects on affect and cognitive outcomes are still debated. Additionally, there is limited research...
The emergence of network models allowed researchers to investigate the structure of semantic memory, with recent studies highlighting that highly creative people are characterized by more flexible semantic networks compared to low creatives, with more connected, less modular, and less distance between nodes (Kenett et al., 2014). Other evidence pointed out that semantic networks are subjected...
Posto che il recupero di ricordi autobiografici emotivi susciti risposte fisiologiche, la ricerca suggerisce che questo fenomeno possa verificarsi anche nel caso di eventi fabbricati. Nel nostro studio, utilizzando dispositivi biometrici non invasivi volti a rilevare il battito cardiaco (HR) e la conduttanza galvanica della pelle (SCL), abbiamo esaminato il recupero di esperienze...
The application of the bi-factor model is frequently implemented to assess the latent structure of psychological tests. However, this “bi-factor vogue” in many cases led to anomalous results, in particular, despite models displaying excellent fit indices had also anomalous loading patterns (Eid et al, 2016). In this work, the latent structure of the Prospective and Retrospective Memory...
This study investigates visuo-spatial working memory in healthy adults (n = 61, mean age = 25 years, SD = 3.45) using virtual reality (VR) and traditional methods.
We adapted the Radial Arm Maze task (RAM) in VR to assess working memory dynamically. Participants navigated a maze to find hidden objects. Concurrently, we administered classical measures (Corsi and Digit Span tests) and...
Il paradigma Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) è uno degli strumenti più utilizzati per indagare i fattori che causano le false memorie. Tipicamente, in questo compito, i partecipanti memorizzano prima una lista di parole e poi devono indicare se le parole presentate in una nuova lista erano presenti nella lista memorizzata. Utilizzando questo paradigma, gli studi precedenti hanno dimostrato il...
Most neuroscientists often neglect that the soundest motivation for excluding EEG epochs contaminated by saccades from analysis does not entail only signal quality but also signal meaning. Saccades can in fact be an overt manifestation of spurious cognitive processing that may distort the interpretation of event-related potentials (ERP). We evaluated this potential risk by comparing two...