Mini-talks: ATTENTION (2)
- MODERATORE: Roberta Daini
Un fattore che interviene sul senso di sazietà e di controllo della fame durante l’assunzione di cibo è l’abituazione sensoriale, intesa come una riduzione della risposta fisiologica alla presentazione ripetuta nel tempo di cibo. L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è stato quello di esaminare la relazione tra profili di percezione ed abituazione a stimoli di varia natura, non necessariamente...
Aim: To assess circadian fluctuations in healthy subjects in single attentional components (selective/divided) and switching between them, using the new AD-Task instrument. Materials: 18 participants (16 F) completed the AD-Task at different times of the day and were monitored on indices of sleep quality and sleepiness level. Method: The entire experimental protocol was conducted over two...
The sense of body ownership (i.e., the belief that the body belongs to oneself) is fundamental in body perception, involving the integration of different sensory inputs. Virtual Reality (VR) manipulations facilitate the alteration of body ownership. Notably, a decrease in ownership sensations occurs over the virtual body in the presence of a visual discontinuity between the hand and the body...
L’Affective Touch (AT) è una modalità tattile affettiva mediata dalle fibre C-tattili (CT), le quali rispondono a stimoli tattili lenti, simili a carezze, evocando una sensazione di piacevolezza e promuovendo un incrementato Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Secondo il classico modello di Braak, il processo neurodegenerativo nella malattia di Alzheimer (AD) coinvolgerebbe le cortecce sensoriali...
The interaction of sensory-motor features in the emergence of categorical audio-visual speech remains underexplored. Recent intracranial electrocorticography recordings suggest that discrete portions of dorsal premotor and motor cortices might represent acoustic phonetic features of speech. However, it is unclear whether pure acoustic or visual features are represented in these regions since...
La N170 è un indice elettrofisiologico affidabile che indica una risposta cerebrale specificamente correlata alla codifica del volto. Sebbene numerosi studi si siano concentrati sulla registrazione dell’attività corticale associata alla visione di volti, la maggior parte di questi ha utilizzato immagini che compaiono improvvisamente in corrispondenza di un punto di fissazione e che tengono...
Humans excel in the interpretation of facial cues, which allows them to anticipate others and respond accordingly. Nonetheless, it remains unclear whether an advantage in the detection of those cues arises from the categorization of facial expressions, such as happy or angry, or from the magnitude of the deformation of the face, regardless of the emotion category.
Here, we sought to clarify...
Adaptive cognitive control (CC), a flexible interplay between reactive and proactive CC modalities, changes during development. Previous studies employed separate tasks to investigate the effect of contextual predictability on adapting distinct mechanisms of CC, including shifting, response inhibition or control interference. However, less is known about the developmental trajectories of...
The duration and vividness of the memory trace in visual short-term memory stages remains a debated issue in consciousness studies. The present study sought to investigate which is the fate of a trace stored in visual short-term memory when time passes and how retrospective spatial attention interacts with this process. Twenty subjects performed a change detection task in which the focus of...