- MODERATORE: Cosimo Urgesi
In the realm of personal and professional growth, role models exert substantial influence, shaping behaviors and aspirations. Immersive virtual reality gets us closer to role models in an otherwise impossible way, allowing us to "wear" virtual bodies resembling successful characters whose valuable traits we aim to emulate. In previous research, we investigated the attitudinal changes following...
The Left Cradling Bias (LCB) or preference entails preference in positioning an infant on the left side of the body. LCB seems to facilitate the monitoring of the expressive left side of both the infant’s and mother's faces, thereby activating the right hemisphere specialized for socio-affective processing and face perception and suggesting cradling as an index of hemispheric...
Non-compliance encompasses various behaviours and attitudes, ranging from outright rejection of drug therapy to incorrect usage or premature discontinuation, potentially impacting symptom severity. In psychiatric settings, patients' reluctance to adhere to medication may stem from a lack of insight, fostering unfavourable views on pharmacotherapy. This study explores the connections between...
La pandemia di COVID-19 ha generato interrogativi sugli antecedenti ideologici e personologici, delle risposte comportamentali rispetto alla prevenzione della minaccia pandemica. Dopo aver osservato che l’autoritarismo di destra (RWA) prediceva positivamente risposte di contrasto alla pandemia, mentre, l’orientamento alla dominanza sociale (SDO) prediceva negativamente tali risposte, abbiamo...
Scientific reasoning (SR) is a crucial aspect in daily life, influencing individuals' ability to pose scientific questions, collect data, critically evaluate information, and draw informed conclusions. There are few tools for measuring SR, tailored to specific age groups or countries, which limits the comparability of results due to the unique characteristics of these tools. The Scientific...
L'adolescenza è un'età di maggiore esplorazione sociale durante la quale si sviluppano strategie sociali sempre più sofisticate per interagire con i coetanei. Utilizzando un nuovo compito di economia comportamentale adattato per gli adolescenti, abbiamo studiato i miglioramenti nella capacità di coordinarsi "mentalmente" con gli altri, cioè di coordinare le scelte senza comunicare,...
Although the context-embedded nature of creativity has been confirmed by newest theories, laboratory studies cannot easily address it due to a lack of tools for measuring it. Based on the Space-Time continuum theoretical framework (Corazza and Lubart 2021), we modeled the context on two dimensions: the conceptual space in which an action or idea is conceived and the time interval available for...
Le mutazioni genetiche BRCA (BReast Cancer susceptibility gene) sono direttamente collegate con un aumento del rischio di sviluppare tumori al seno e all’ovaio. Attualmente il test per verificare un’eventuale mutazione viene proposto, nell’ambito del SSN, solo a pazienti che presentano specifici fattori di rischio.
Il presente studio si pone l’obiettivo di indagare la percezione, da parte...
Social dilemmas are described as “wicked” when they involve additional obstacles to cooperation, such as unclear individual impact, doubts about the link between cooperation and outcomes, and difficulties tracking contributions. We study the effectiveness of norm-nudging interventions in promoting cooperation in such a scenario: waste sorting. Given the difficulties in implementing economic...