- MODERATORE: Giovanna Mioni
Tempo in music context is defined as the speed of an auditory sequence. Recent findings revealed a SNARC-like effect for tempo, suggesting that tempo and space are associated (De Tommaso & Prpic, 2020; Mariconda et al., 2024). Indeed, people tend to respond faster with a left-key to relatively slow tempos and faster with a right-key to relatively fast tempos. In particular, a work by De...
Spatial navigation is a complex, fundamental ability crucial to daily life and it develops gradually during childhood. Some studies showed that it is possible to promote the development of spatial navigational abilities through specific training. In a recent study, we demonstrated that training based on observational learning - implemented in a real environment - fostered an earlier...
Despite significant progress in understanding human navigation, debates persist regarding the role of different sensory inputs and their contribution to individual differences in navigational performance. While recent research indicates that humans predominantly rely on visual information (Huffman and Ekstrom, 2019), empirical evidence supports the significance of body-based cues as well. The...
Tipicamente, il “far di conto” è considerata un’abilità che ci permette di svolgere velocemente e accuratamente le operazioni aritmetiche. In realtà, il calcolo esatto è solo il più noto e tardivo dei processi solutivi, mentre stimare il risultato di un operazione (e.g., 28 +17 < o > 50?) o di una grandezza (e.g., Quante albicocche ci sono in 1 kg?) sono competenze che seguono traiettorie...
L’integrazione dei segnali viscerali interocettivi corporei sembra avere un ruolo centrale nell'esperienza fisiologica del tempo. Per approfondire tale relazione, abbiamo impiegato la stimolazione non invasiva del ramo auricolare del nervo vago (taVNS), che sembra avere un effetto modulatorio su diversi processi cognitivi di alto livello. Il sistema vagale, infatti, essenziale nel mantenere...
In line with the Construal Level Theory, in recent years psychological distance (PD) from climate change have been appointed as one of the most relevant barriers to risk perception of climate change and motivation toward sustainable behaviors, thus suggesting that changing PD may play a critical role in determining individuals engagement in pro-environmental actions. Despite growing research,...
When tackling sensory ambiguity, our brains employ diverse strategies to navigate and resolve challenges, such as using contextual information and prior experiences, which are pivotal in shaping our perceptions. Central tendency is a phenomenon where perception gravitates towards the average stimuli encountered in prior experiences, especially within the same sensory modality. An intriguing...
Le teorie predominanti della rappresentazione cognitiva dei numeri descrivono l'effetto SNARC come risultato di una rappresentazione spaziale stabile dei numeri lungo un asse orizzontale. Nello specifico, i numeri piccoli e grandi sarebbero stabilmente associati con la parte sinistra e destra dello spazio, rispettivamente. Proprio in virtù della stabilità di tale rappresentazione, sembra...
Time can be conceptualized in spatial dimensions, as evidenced by the STEARC effect (Bonato et al., 2012). In recent work by Dalmaso et al. (2023), Western participants categorized the age of a central target male face as either younger or older than a reference face. The findings revealed that the perceived age was mapped from left to right. In the present study, we further examined whether a...