Mini-talks: LIFE CYCLE
- MODERATORE: Giuliana Mazzoni
Negli ultimi anni si è riscontrato un incremento dell’uso quotidiano dello Smartphone anche in bambini in età scolare.
Per tale valutazione si è utilizzato un questionario auto valutativo per la misurazione della dipendenza da Smartphone SARCQ (Conte et al., 2022), mentre per gli aspetti di personalità si é utilizzato il BFC (Barbaranelli, et al., 2003). Si dono osservate correlazioni tra il...
While traditional neuroimaging approaches to the study of executive functions (EFs) have typically employed task-evoked paradigms, resting state studies are gaining popularity as a tool for investigating inter-individual variability in the functional connectome and its relationship to cognitive performance outside of the scanner. Using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging data...
As the global elderly population grows research increasingly focuses on their well-being and quality of life, aspects that are often impacted by a perceived loss of energy and fatigue. To describe individuals' energy dynamics, Self-Determination Theory (SDT) recently proposed a dual-process model based on two constructs: Subjective Vitality and Depletion. The present study aims to validate the...
Le abilità di problem solving sono essenziali per fronteggiare situazioni critiche nella vita di tutti i giorni e possono avere un ruolo cruciale nel promuovere l’invecchiamento attivo.
Qualsiasi compito che richieda attività di pianificazione, organizzazione, gestione del tempo e flessibilità di pensiero potrebbe essere particolarmente stimolante per le persone anziane; soprattutto se...
Even when healthy, ageing is associated with a gradual and unavoidable decline in various cognitive functions. These cognitive changes affect older adults' quality of life, well-being, and life expectancy, causing significant welfare political implications worldwide. In this context, cognitive training and stimulation have become valuable interventions to prevent age-related cognitive decline...
INTRODUCTION: Previous work suggested that idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (iRBD) may be associated with alterations in dream content, including more aggression as compared to healthy control (HC) individuals, and in dream recall frequency (DRF; i.e., the number of dreams recalled in a given timespan). However, several studies failed to replicate these findings, questioning their...
Individuals' responses to aging or neuropathological insults vary due to factors affecting the central nervous system’s structure and function. Cognitive reserve, shaped by life experiences, helps protect the brain from neuronal damage. Modifiable lifestyle factors like sleep can enhance cognitive reserve, counteracting age- or disease-related brain changes. Sleep impacts cognitive domains,...
Emotion regulation (ER) has been acknowledged as an important factor for older adults’ well-being. Recently, it has been suggested that creativity may play a role in the effectiveness of cognitive reappraisal, an adaptive form of ER. The present study aims to test whether creativity is linked to greater effectiveness in the use of cognitive reappraisal in a sample of older adults.
Demenza è un termine ombrello utilizzato per definire un gruppo di disturbi neurologici caratterizzati da declino cognitivo che interferisce con le attività quotidiane dell’individuo. Secondo l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), la demenza è una priorità di salute pubblica globale. I fattori di rischio studiati includono l'età, la storia familiare, i disturbi cardiovascolari, il...