Jun 19 – 23, 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

Higgs stacks and Lie-like structures

Not scheduled
3h 20m
Room D (basement) (SISSA)

Room D (basement)


Via Beirut 2 - 4, 34151, Trieste, Italy (note that this is not SISSA's current main building but the old building in the Miramare park)


Olivier Schiffmann (Université de Paris-Sud Orsay and CNRS, France)


1) Moduli stacks of coherent sheaves, quiver sheaves (including Higgs sheaves) on smooth projective curves

2) Global nilpotent cone, its irreducible components, moduli space of chains, their Jordan decompositions

3) Hall algebras techniques, including Eisenstein series, Harder residue theorem, volume computation; determination of the volume and Poincaré polynomial of the above moduli spaces

4) some more recent research (cohomological Hall algebras of Higgs sheaves, ...)

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