Jun 19 – 23, 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

Symplectic resolutions for Higgs moduli spaces

Jun 22, 2017, 12:10 PM
Room D (basement) (SISSA)

Room D (basement)


Via Beirut 2 - 4, 34151, Trieste, Italy (note that this is not SISSA's current main building but the old building in the Miramare park)


Andrea Tirelli (Imperial College London)


In this talk I will present some recent work on the algebraic symplectic geometry of the singular moduli spaces of Higgs bundles of degree 0 and rank n on a compact Riemann surface X of genus g. In particular, I will show how to to prove that such moduli spaces are symplectic singularities, in the sense of Beauville, and admit a projective symplectic resolution if and only if g=1 or (g,n)=(2,2). These results are an application of a recent paper by Bellamy and Schedler [BS16] via the so-called Isosingularity Theorem.

Presentation materials