Jun 19 – 23, 2017
Europe/Rome timezone

View of Trieste


SWAGP2017 is the 18th event of a series of Schools and Workshops that have been organized by the Mathematical Physics and Geometry group of the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste in conjunction with leading institutions around the world. Past events have taken place in Trieste, Como and Genova (Italy), Salamanca and Medina del Campo (Spain), Luminy and St Jean de Monts (France), Lisbon (Portugal), Philadelphia (USA), Vienna (Austria), Seoul (Korea), Maresias (Brazil), Tianjin and Hangzhou (China), Leiden (Netherlands), Guanajuato (Mexico). 


This year's topic will be 

Higgs moduli spaces and character varieties


The celebrated HLRV (Hausel-Letellier-Rodríguez Villegas) conjectures provide unexpected links among different areas of algebraic and arithmetic geometry, such as the theory of Hilbert schemes of points, the Pandharipande-Thomas invariants for local curves, the cohomological Hall algebras à la Kontsevich-Soibelman and à  la Schiffmann-Vasserot, gauge and string theories (related via geometric engineering), etc. The aim of this school is to provide an advanced introduction to this theory and to its most recent developments. The lectures will be completed by 4 talks by young mathematicians who are working at the forefront of this theory. Moreover there will be space for some contributed talks by the younger participants.

Some funds should be available to support, at least partially, the participation of some young scientists. During this event the “Elsevier Young Scientist Award” will be granted. 



Scientific Committee: U. Bruzzo (SISSA, Italy), F. Rodríguez Villegas (ICTP, Italy), F. Sala (Kavli IPMU, Tokyo, Japan), J. Stoppa (SISSA, Italy)

Organizing Committee: U. Bruzzo, F. Sala, J. Scalise (SISSA, Italy)

Support: SISSA,InDAM and the ERC Starting Grant 307119  “Stability and wall-crossing in algebraic and differential geometry.” 

Room D (basement)
Via Beirut 2 - 4, 34151, Trieste, Italy (note that this is not SISSA's current main building but the old building in the Miramare park)