This is an introductory school on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory and it is organised with the aim of introducing the basics of the topic, reviewing its most recent developments and explicitly linking its mathematical formulation to the theoretical physics problems it addresses.
The school consists of the following short courses, for a total of 16 hours. These will be scheduled in two lectures per day (each of them lasting two hours), one in the morning and one in the afternoon, except for Monday and Friday, when there will be only one lecture, in the afternoon and in the morning respectively. The precise program will be announced soon.
Since the room has limited capacity, the registration is required (deadline: February 24). A selection might be necessary and in such case priority will be given to younger participants.
Preliminary titles of lectures
M. Cirafici | An invitation to gravitational algebras |
S. Hollands | Operator algebras, entropy, and gravity |
R. Longo | Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory |
G. Morsella | Operator algebras, superselection theory and renormalization group |
Speakers: M. Cirafici, S. Hollands, R. Longo, G. Morsella.
Organizers: G. Bonelli, A. Tanzini, E. Tonni.
The lectures will take place in room D of the old SISSA building, Via Beirut 2, Trieste.