4:00 PM
Non-intrusive reduced order models for the shallow water equations
Sourav Dutta
(US Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
4:03 PM
Reduction of the Kolmogorov $n$-width for a transport dominated fluid-structure interaction problem
Monica Nonino
4:06 PM
Multi-scale numerical modeling of sorption kinetics
Clarissa Astuto
(University of Catania)
4:09 PM
Reduced basis methods for parametric bifurcation problems in nonlinear PDEs
Federico Pichi
(Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati - SISSA)
4:12 PM
Model-Order Reduction for 3D Turbulent Mixing T-junction
Kento Kaneko
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Ping-Hsuan Tsai
4:15 PM
Finite volume POD-Galerkin Reduced Order Model of the Boussinesq approximation for buoyancy-driven flow
Kelbij Star
4:18 PM
Reduced-Order Modeling (ROM) for MSR multiphysics simulations
Peter German
(Texas A&M University)
4:21 PM
Using Lagrangian models in the simulation of water borne infectious diseases
Meghan Kennealy
(Stellenbosch University)
4:24 PM
Hybrid ROMs for problems in computational fluid dynamics
Saddam N Y Hijazi
(PhD student)
4:27 PM
Finite Volume Reduced Order Methods based on SIMPLE Algorithm
Matteo Zancanaro
(SISSA Mathlab)
4:30 PM
The polluted atmosphere as a shallow domain
Nora Juhasz
(University of L'Aquila)
4:33 PM
Reduced Order Methods for Boundary Conditions Estimation
Umberto Morelli
4:36 PM
Reduced Basis Method: The Smagorinsky Model
Cristina Caravaca García
(Universidad de sevilla)
4:39 PM
Reduction in parameter space with non linear active subspaces
Francesco Romor
4:42 PM
Reduced Order Methods Applied to Nonlinear Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems in Environmental Marine Sciences and Engineering
Maria Strazzullo
(SISSA, mathlab)
4:45 PM
Enriched Galerkin Discretization for Mixed-Dimensional Modelling Flow in Fractured Porous Media
Teeratorn Kadeethum
4:48 PM
Reduced order methods for parametric optimal flow control in patient-specific coronary bypass grafts: geometrical reconstruction, data assimilation
Zakia Zainib
(mathLab, Mathematics Area, SISSA International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy)