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- Mian Ilyas Ahmad
- Alessandro Alla
David Amsallem
- Author in Adjoint-Based PDE-Constrained Robust Optimization of Aircraft Systems Using Reduced-Order Models
- Co-author in Efficient model reduction of nonlinear parametrized systems by matrix discrete empirical interpolation
- Co-author in Time-Galerkin integrators for the dynamic simulation of local reduced order models
- Thanos Antoulas
- Phil Avery (Stanford University)
- Eduard Bader
- Maciej Balajewicz
Francesco Ballarin
- Author in POD-Galerkin methods for parametrized problems in flow control and fluid-structure interaction
- Author in RBniCS - reduced order modelling in FEniCS
- Co-author in Isogeometric analysis based reduced order modelling for incompressible viscous flows in parametrized shapes: applications to underwater shape design
Nicodemus Banagaaya
- Author in PMOR for Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems
Andrea Barth
- Co-author in Time-parallel reduced-order models via forecasting
- Manuel Baumann
Christopher Beattie
- Author in Structure-preserving Model Reduction
Peter Benner
- Co-author in Balanced Truncation Model Reduction for Quadratic-Linear Systems
- Co-author in Error Estimation in Frequency Domain and its Use for Model Reduction of Quadratic Bilinear Systems
- Co-author in PMOR for Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems
- Co-author in Rank-optimal approximations of higher-order tensors for low-dimensional space-time Galerkin approximations of parameter dependent dynamical systems
- Co-author in Reduced Basis Approximations for Maxwell's Equations in Dispersive Media
- Mouhacine Benosman
- Petros Boufounos
- Charbel Bou-Mosleh (Notre Dame University)
- Tobias Breiten
Lukas Brencher
- Co-author in Time-parallel reduced-order models via forecasting
- Olivier Brüls
- Steven L. Brunton
- Andreas Buhr
- Kevin Carlberg
- Alessandro Castagnotto
- Youngsoo Choi (Stanford University)
- Lorenzo Codecasa
- Maria Cruz Varona
- Cécile Daversin
- Thomas Dickopf
- Markus Dihlmann
- Luca Di Rienzo
- Zlatko Drmac
- Romanus Dyczij-Edlinger
- Peter Eberhard
- Charbel Farhat
- Ortwin Farle
- Joerg Fehr
- Lihong Feng
- Michael Fischer
- Oliver Floch
- Thomas Franz
- Dominik Garmatter
Maximilian Gaß
- Co-author in Chebyshev Interpolation for Parametric Option Pricing
- Co-author in Parametric Option Pricing with Fourier Methods
- Matthias Geuss
- Christophe Geuzaine
- Silke Glas
- Kathrin Glau
- Pawan Kumar Goyal
- Carmen Gräßle
- Martin Grepl
- Piyush Grover
- Dennis Grunert
- Martin Gubisch
- Serkan Gugercin
Bernard Haasdonk
- Author in A Reduced Basis Kalman Filter for Certified and Rapid State Estimation of Parametrized PDEs
- Co-author in Certified Reduced Basis Approximation for the Coupling of Viscous and Inviscid Parametrized Flow Models
- Co-author in Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Parametric Algebraic Riccati Equations
- Co-author in Reduced Basis Landweber method for nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems
- Co-author in Time-parallel reduced-order models via forecasting
- Dominik Hamann
- Bastian Harrach
- Carsten Hartmann
- Jens Haueisen
- Jan Heiland
- Matthias Heinkenschloss
- Luca Heltai
- Martin Hess
Christian Himpe
- Author in The Versatile Cross Gramian
- Michael Hinze
- Philip Holzwarth
- Thomas Horger
- Traian Iliescu
- Oleg Iliev
- Alexandre Janon
- Kutz J. Nathan
- Mark Kaercher
- Bulent Karasozen
- Johanna Kerler-Back
- Sameer Kher
- Walid Kheriji
- Daniel Klis
- Boris Kramer
- Jens Lang
- Oliver Lass
- Günter Leugering
- Björn Liljegren-Sailer
- Boris Lohmann
- Yi Lu
- Yvonne Maday
- Mirco Mahlstedt
- Maximilian Mair
Maximilian Mair
- Co-author in Parametric Option Pricing with Fourier Methods
- Andrea Manzoni
- Nicole Marheineke
- Immanuel Martini
- Antonia Mayerhofer
- Jan Mohring
- Mylena Mordhorst
- Saleh Nabi
- Frank Naets
- Federico Negri
- Maelle Nodet
- Anthony Nouy
- Robert O'Connor
mario Ohlberger
- Author in A Modularized Modelling, Discretization and Model Order Reduction Workflow for the Simulation of Li-ion Batteries
- Author in ArbiLoMod: Communication Avoiding Localized Reduced Basis Methods for Problems with Arbitrary Local Modifications
- Co-author in Localization and adaptivity in Reduced Basis methods
- Co-author in The Versatile Cross Gramian
- Sebastian Osterroth
- Heiko Panzer
- Yannick Paquay
- Anthony T Patera
- Benjamin Peherstorfer
- James D Penn
- Simona Perotto
- René Pinnau
- Giuseppe Pitton
- Clementine Prieur
- Christophe Prud'Homme
- Annalisa Quaini
- Mladjan Radic
- Stephan Rave
- Tobias Ritter
- Oliver Röhrle
- Marko Rotkvic
Gianluigi Rozza
- Author in POD-Galerkin methods for parametrized problems in flow control and fluid-structure interaction
- Author in RBniCS - reduced order modelling in FEniCS
- Co-author in Certified Reduced Basis Approximation for the Coupling of Viscous and Inviscid Parametrized Flow Models
- Co-author in Computational reduction strategies for bifurcations and stability analysis in fluid-dynamics: applications to Coanda effect in cardiac flows
- Co-author in Isogeometric analysis based reduced order modelling for incompressible viscous flows in parametrized shapes: applications to underwater shape design
- Filippo Salmoiraghi
- Syuzanna Sargsyan
- Alberto Sartori (SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies)
- Felix Schindler
- Sebastian Schmidt
- Andreas Schmidt
- Philipp Schulze
- Christoph Schwab
- Kathrin Smetana
- Alexander Sommer
- Daniel Stadlmayr
- Wolfgang Steiner
- Tatjana Stykel
- tommaso taddei
- Irina Tezaur
- Christophe Trophime
- Küçükseyhan Tugba
- Stefan Ulbrich
- Sebastian Ullmann
- Benjamin Unger
- Karsten Urban
- Murat Uzunca
- Karen Veroy
- Stefan Volkwein
- Oskar von Stryk
- Maximilian Walther
- Konstantin Weise
Karen Willcox
- Co-author in Multifidelity methods for uncertainty quantification
- Daniel Wirtz
- Wolfgang Witteveen
- Barbara Wohlmuth
- Masayuki Yano
- Olivier Zahm
- Zhenying Zhang
- Wei Zhang (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Ralf Zimmermann
- Alexander Zuyev