Oct 13 – 16, 2015
SISSA, International School for Advanced Studies, main campus, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Trip and Hotels

More info how to reach SISSA: Link

Travel by Airplane: Airports info (Venice and Trieste Airports)

Connections with intercontinental/international flights may be found in Rome (FCO) or Munich (MUC) Airports to/from Trieste  Airport (TRS) or in Paris (CDG) to/from Venice Airport (VCE). From Venice to Trieste a fast regional train takes almost 2h.

Travel by Ground Trasportation: Stations info and connections (trains/buses)

High speed trains run from Torino-Milano-Venice to Trieste (FrecciaBianca) or from Rome-Florence-Bologna-Venice to Trieste (FrecciaArgento). Fast Regional Trains are available from Venice (Mestre) as well.

Travel by Car: Local info

Motorway A4 run from Torino-Milano-Venice to Trieste and connects motorways from Austria/Germany (Tarvisio, Brennero) as well as national motorways from south.

Hotels in Trieste: SISSA has special discounted rates with the following hotels. Please ask for the special fare directly when booking the hotel. [show all hotels on a map]

Hotel Location Website Email Phone
Hotel Abbazia *** Via della Geppa 20, 34132 Trieste, Italy www.hotelabbaziatrieste.it info@hotelabbaziatrieste.it +39 040 369464
Albergo Alla Posta *** Piazza Guglielmo Oberdan 1, 34122 Trieste, Italy www.albergopostatrieste.it info@albergopostatrieste.it +39 040 365208
Hotel Colombia *** Via della Geppa, 18, 34132 Trieste, Italy hwww.hotelcolombia.it colombia@hotelcolombia.it +39 040 369191
Hotel Continentale **** Via San Nicolò, 25, 34121 Trieste, Italy www.continentalehotel.com info@continentalehotel.com +39 040 631717
Grand Hotel Duchi D'Aosta Trieste **** Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, 2/1, 34121 Trieste, Italy www.duchi.eu info@duchi.eu +39 040 760 0011
Hotel NH Trieste **** Corso Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 7, 34132 Trieste, Italy www.nh-hotels.it nhtrieste@nh-hotels.com +39 040 760 0055
Hotel Milano *** Via Carlo Ghega, 17, 34132 Trieste, Italy www.hotel-milano.com info@hotel-milano.com 040 369680
Hotel Miramare **** Viale Miramare, 325/1, 34136 Trieste, Italy www.hotelmiramaretrieste.it info@hotelmiramaretrieste.it +39 040 224 7085
Novo Hotel Impero *** Via Sant'Anastasio, 1, 34132 Trieste, Italy www.hotelimperotrieste.com impero@fenicehotels.it +39 040 364242
Hotel Roma *** Via Carlo Ghega, 7, 34132 Trieste, Italy http://www.hotelroma-trieste.it info@hotelroma-trieste.it +39 040 370040
Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace **** Riva del Mandracchio, 4, 34124 Trieste, Italy www.starhotels.com savoiaexcelsior.ts@starhotels.it +39 040 77941
Tre Merli Beach Hotel *** Viale Miramare, 44, 34100 Trieste, Italy www.tremerlibeachhotel.com info@tremerlibeachhotel.com +39 040 426 1007
Urban Hotel Design **** Androna Chiusa, 4, 34121 Trieste, Italy http://www.urbanhotel.it info@urbanhotel.it +39 040 302065

See also Booking by Turismo FVG

A bus transfer between the city center of Trieste and SISSA campus will be provided (R/T) each day.