Sep 4 – 8, 2023
SISSA (Miramare campus)
Europe/Rome timezone

Theory: Vacuum entanglement in near extremal black holes

Sep 7, 2023, 4:00 PM
Aula Magna, Room A, B, D (SISSA (Miramare campus))

Aula Magna, Room A, B, D

SISSA (Miramare campus)


Salvatore Ribisi (Centre de Physique Théorique - Marseille)


The notion of particles is ambiguous in curved spacetimes. This often makes it difficult to explicitly picture the process of Hawking radiation in terms of pair creation of particles (one going to infinity as Hawking radiation and the other falling into the singularity).
I will show how such a difficulty can be circumvented in the case of near extremal black holes in 4d for scale invariant quantum fields. The results presented are expected to be relevant in discussions about information in black hole evaporation.

Presentation materials