The conference will also include the following awards ceremony:
Amaldi Medal to two European scientists, who distinguished themselves in gravitational physics:
- Prof. Joseph Silk (Oxford University)
- Prof. Gabreiele Veneziano (CERN and College de France)
SIGRAV Prize for young researchers, who carried out studies of particular interest in the field:
- Dr. Giulia Gubitosi, Naples University Federico II (category CQG)
- Dr. Sunny Vagnozzi, University of Trento (category ACE)
Rampa Prize to a graduate student for outstanding research on all aspects of general relativity or gravitational physics:
- Dr. Elisa Maggio, Max Planck Institute
Social Trip to Aquileia archaeological site: the trip will start at 15:45 from the #6 bus stop close to Via Beirut. It will comprise a guided visit (in english) to the Basilica with its famous mosaic and the archaelogical area of the ancient roman town. The return time will be around 20:00 in Piazza Oberdan but for those that prefer to drop off in Miramare there will be a stop close to the conference venue.
Social Dinner with Jazz Concert: it will be held in front of the Miramare Castle. Access will be granted for those who subscribed to the event and accompanying persons must enter with the registered partecipant. To facilitate the trasportation a courtesy shuttle has been arrenged from Piazza Oberdan to Miramare Castle at 19:30 and from Miramare Castle to Piazza Operdan at 23:30.