Jun 3 – 7, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Quantum intersection numbers on the moduli space of curves and the Gromov-Witten invariants of the projective line

Jun 5, 2024, 9:10 AM
128 (SISSA)



Via Bonomea 265, Trieste


Alexandr Buryak (HSE Moscow & Skoltech)


I will talk about our recent joint work with Xavier Blot, where we related the quantum intersection numbers on the moduli space of curves to the stationary relative Gromov-Witten invariants of the projective line with an insertion of a Hodge class.
As a corollary, this gives a new geometric interpretation of the standard intersection numbers of psi-classes on the moduli space of curves. We also give a new, much shorter proof, of an explicit formula for the "purely quantum" intersection numbers, which was obtained before by Xavier Blot, and which relates these numbers of the one-part double Hurwitz numbers.

Primary author

Alexandr Buryak (HSE Moscow & Skoltech)

Presentation materials