Sep 4 – 8, 2023
SISSA (Miramare campus)
Europe/Rome timezone

Theory: A quantum-spacetime model with kinematical IR/UV mixing and its phenomenology

Sep 5, 2023, 3:15 PM
Aula Magna, Room A, B, D (SISSA (Miramare campus))

Aula Magna, Room A, B, D

SISSA (Miramare campus)


Domenico Frattulillo (University of Naples "Federico II")


I present a doubly special relativistic model inspired from the k-lightlike non-commutative spacetime framework. A kinematical IR/UV mixing mechanism emerges naturally from the deformed energy-momentum dispersion relation, when considering particles with very small speeds. Thus, this model is suited for studying Planck-scale corrections to atom interferometry experiments.

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