1. Almeida Guilherme - Differential geometry of orbit space of extended Jacobi group $A_n$
2. Atlasiuk Olena - On generic boundary-value problems
for differential system
3. Attarchi Hassan - Why escape is faster than expected
4. Babinet Nicolas - Hirota equation for the supermatrix model
5. Chen Thomas - Constructing Classical Integrable Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks
6. Chouteau Thomas - Hamiltonian structure for higher-order Airy kernel
7. Fairon Maxime - Integrable systems on (multiplicative) quiver varieties
8. Fantini Veronica - On 2d-4d Wall-Crossing Formulas and the extended tropical vertex
9. Gharakhloo Roozbeh - Modulated Bi-orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle: The
2j -k and j - 2k Systems
10. Gubbiotti Giorgio - Recent developments on variational difference equations and their classi?cation
11. Robert Jenkins - Large time asymptotic behavior for the Derivative Nonlinear Schrodinger (DNLS) Equation
12. Kels Andrew - $\mathbb{C}^8 \times Q(E_8)$ extension of the elliptic Painlevé equation
13. Kramer Reinier - KP for Hurwitz-type cohomological field theories
14. Minakov Alexander - Gap probabilities in the Freud random matrix ensemble
15. Prokhorov Andrei - Large parameter asymptotics of rational solutions of Painlev´e III equation near zero.
16. Ruzza Giulio - Jacobi Unitary Ensemble and Hurwitz numbers
17. Tarricone Sofia - Stokes manifolds and cluster algebras
18. Vergallo Pierandrea - Classi?cation of bi-Hamiltonian pairs extended by isometries
19. Vermeeren Mats - A Lagrangian perspective on integrability
20. Zhang Ziruo - Black Hole Entropy from the Superconformal Index
21. Zhou Jing - An exponential Fermi accelerator, a Rectangular Billiard with Moving Slits